Wednesday 15 February 2017


Its been a while. Its been a busy few years! I haven't forgotten about you :D Just ran out of time to talk to you. Especially as you keep me so busy!

So, your Dad and I got married. Bought our first house and had another beautiful baby girl!

Hello Lydia! Nice to meet you! (Will add your stuff later having two of you has meant its not as easy to keep up to date)

I'm not sure what we will do in 2017 but each year since your arrival has marked huge milestones in our lives.

Lottie you have just danced in your first dance show.

Lydia you have started eating porridge! (AND anything you can get your hands on you hungry girl) You sleep Lydia! You Smile, you giggle and you make us all incredibly happy. I think Lottie likes you the best! Endless kisses and squeezes (Sometimes deadly squeezes that I have to stop :D)

Yesterday we said goodbye to Grandad Parish. You wont remember him Lydia but Lottie I hope you remember him at least a little.

Its been very sad. Things have to be arranged but for your Dad it has happened all too soon! We were hoping for a miracle or at least a little more time. He died of Cancer. Brain Tumour. We will make an effort to spend lots of time with Grandmas Parish to help shorten her days. He was a character that know one will forget!

I have lovely pictures and videos to upload! The best so far is Lottie meeting Lydia for the first time. We couldn't wait to meet you and Lottie was the most excited. You were nearly two weeks late! 7th of September was your due date! Auntie Chris came over from America to meet you and you left it to the last minute to make an appearance!

We waited and waited. You popped out in just over an hour... ish.

You both are currently playing at Auntie Connies house with Logan while I pretend to do some work and Papas house :D.

This weekend we plan to leave you for the first time with Granny Prue. Shes worried she might die in her sleep so I am under strict instructions to call in the evening and morning just in case. Ill let you know how that goes... Although she loves having you both on Saturdays making cakes and a mess! She spoils you rotten.

Grandma Cornwall was up at the weekend. You had the day together on Monday. You walked Watermead and had a picnic with Daisy, Suzie and Lily. Grandad Cornwall had to go back to work but loved the dancing and the cuddles.

Ok so ill upload pictures...

and I promise to speak soon I love you both so so much!

Christmas was great fun will play you a video one day! X

Tuesday 29 April 2014


Today I broke down your moses basket down and packed up all the 'new baby' things... I cried. What am I going to be like when you go to school? Let alone your Birthdays and Christmas's to come. You are in your own bedroom now and you are getting used to your comfy bed. I love you! xXx

Sunday 27 April 2014

Up to now... 6 months of bliss!

Day 1

Grandma helped to take you home and we make our way to 10 Nelson Street for the first time with a new addition to the family. The first week was very hard. Three visits from the midwife and they help with feeding you, check me over and make records.

Two weeks while your Dad has paternity goes very fast! A mass of well wishers come to see the well awaited bundle of joy. Its lovely, everyone is excited to meet you and have cuddles with the little baby Parish.

My love for you grows stronger everyday!
Grandma comes and helps in the afternoons on the third week. She makes lovely meals and helps around the house.
Week 4...
We are on our own and the fun begins!
Grandma and Grandpops Cornwall come up to meet you the first opportunity they get.

The first few months are a wash with health visits, inoculations, nappies and sleepless nights :D
Christmas was great!
We already had the best christmas present anyone could ever wish for! You!

You are Beautiful!
*Christmas was perfect*
We have our first holiday to Centre Parcs with Auntie Ashleigh, Uncle Niall and Grace (Jan/Feb)

Your first holiday abroad, Mum and Dad's Wedding and HoneyMoon (March/April)

Auntie and Uncles Frost's Wedding (Jan 18th)

You and Alfred :)

Your Arrival

3rd November 2013

You are on your way!

Your Dad and I time the contractions, everything is normal. Its a Sunday, you are four days late and you are on your way.

We call the hospital and they say to wait until the contractions are 3 minutes apart... I do my hair, we clean the house and check the bags are ready. We go to McDonalds and ASDA and we are still waiting...

5pm we decide to make our way to the hospital. Once we are shown to a side room the first midwife doesnt seem to have a sense of urgency. She swabs for Strep B (I dont have it). Apperently never have? There are no pools available and it's a busy night so we stay in the private waiting room.

Im monitered. My blood pressure is too high and they are worried about priaclampsia. My levels settle. The midwife when swabbing and further inspection realises I am further along than expected. 6cm already!

The contractions pick up speed and power. Dad and I read a magasine, eat cereal bars and listen to Jack Johnson. Its stress free and relaxed.

Im given a paraceptamol. I start to use the gas and air. We have a new midwife, the other has left, as shes finished her shift.

The rest is a blur... Its 10pm and the midwife informs me that pushing could take two hours! I haven't felt the urge to push yet!! The contractions slow down and we have a few minutes calm before I have to change position to move things along. I ask Dad to ask the lovely lady for an epidural. Its too late. Your on your way. I feel the urge to push (finally), I push and I feel your head. Next push your out!

10.53pm your handed to me and the first words I say to you are "Hello Baby!" You are taken away, cleaned up and have Daddy cuddles while Im stitched. Your perfect! (Mostly because you poo'ed on Dad as he held you for the first time :D).

10 fingers, 10 toes, pink cheeks and a good set of lungs!
8lb 2 of perfection.

Our Shower and Your First Bedroom.

We were incredibly excited to meet you!

I had a suprise baby shower which was fab! Laura Robinson organised it and all our close friends and family (girls) turned up to wish me luck. I was so happy and overwhelmed I went shy and didnt know what to say! It was lovely and we recieved lots of lovely gifts too! I was so greatful for that day and all the nice things (and very useful things) people gave to us!

Laura Jayne made a fab cake!

I think we are about up to date.
(Heres your room before we filled it with more lovely things)

Dad finished your cot! These pictures are before we added wall stickers and pictures :D


This week...

30 weeks. We were told at 20 weeks that your where low. Nothing to worry about. Just that if you haven't moved by Sept 27th (an extra scan to check this) I would have to have a C section. Now we have no idea if you have moved yet but I can certainly feel you kicking my ribs, im hoping this is a good sign! A couple of weeks ago I got diagnosed with SPD, dancing is becoming difficult but I have a fab helper so its not a problem.

My application for Statutory Maternity Allowence was accepted therefore, I will be able to share every moment of your first few months, I can't wait.

Dad is excited, he loves to feel you kick and talks to you a lot. He doesn't know what to do with your hormonal Monster Mum! He has also been busy getting your nursery ready. Its painted, the blinds up and we have everything we need to look after you. Auntie Ashleigh has helped lots!...Currently waiting on your cot.

We are having an extra special scan on Tuesday this week! We will all be there incl. Dad, Grandma and Auntie Ashleigh.

We email Grandma and Grandpa Cornwall with all your news already. They can't wait to meet you too!

The last two Scans :)

Right we are a bit behind. Since my last post things have moved very fast!!

Your 4D Scan was fantastic! It was short but sweet. Grandma thought you had a big nose but it was your elbow! You didnt move much and liked to be tucked in tight so we couldnt really see much. However, we have the DVD and pictures to keep.

Our extra scan showed that your had moved. You were in a safe positition and the placenta had moved to the side. So all is well and we are awaiting your arrival the natural way!

Below is your 12 and 20 week...

Mum at 7 months!